Church and Charity website design

Contact us now on
0845 1166 081


Charity Websites

If you represent a small charity or church organisation we are happy to quote you a special price.

Apex Business Support also operates on Christian Values, we are keen to work with companies and people who are like minded.

Below are some guide-lines of what you can expect from one of our “Charity Websites”.

You will get:

1 domain name
3 email address
10 page website
Unique website design
Content Management System to make website updates
Free website hosting for 2 years
Search Engine Optimisation for 1 keyword/key phrase

Ideal for:

Not for profit organisations
Church based organisations
Churches or church clubs

Functionality available:

Picture gallery
Contact form

Charity website package cost - £300.00

If the site needs greater functionality, multimedia, e-commerce or a Pay-pal area please look at our commercial pricing guidelines.

If you are the representative of a charity or church based organisation, we would love to discus "Christian Web Design" services - or "Church Website Design" - please contact us.

Newsletter sign up . . .

Apex Logo
Join-up below and we will send you some great ideas on how to be more effective when marketing your company!

Name *
Email *

    [type] => 1
    [message] => Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_close() in /home/tpdeqhpm/public_html/footer.php:2
Stack trace:
#0 /home/tpdeqhpm/public_html/index.php(153): include()
#1 {main}
    [file] => /home/tpdeqhpm/public_html/footer.php
    [line] => 2